F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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It does not make sense
to read the comments on price development at least for Gold. I tend to day it does not make sense at all to expect anything of worth from stock "experts". Can one talk about a down for gold if it's moving just 0.5%? Well I think no. And...
Don't you think
it's time for a change in the US (amont every other developed country in the world) Ain't you Americans so proud of "law and order"? Now tell me why don't you stand up for law and just stick ot order(s)? Why are you not standing...
Why don't they get it?
Or maybe one should write, why do they do not learn? More and more european countries want that the EZB starts printing even more money. Well let me ask just one question? What does the US citizens have gained with their fed printing money? Or what have...
Another sentence for "I'm stupid"
I wonder really what this "occupy wall street" guys want to tell me. Don't the be ashamed of what they do?. Who has made the bailout-packages? Who has mad the laws under which banks have to work? Who is printing money as there will be no...
How deep is the trouble (Greece)?
Well it's difficult these times to get some non mainstream reports on Greece. It's impossible to find much critique in any german newspaper or magazine. But there are few side remarks borrowed at the end of some articles sometimes, and one can...