F Dominicus Blog

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The spiral of interventions
Well now we see another template example of interventions. Argentina, has obviously left the area of markets due to the "politics" of Mrs Kirchner and her spouse. In a side-note of the newspaper of my wife I found: Inflation 25% and official...
Too much money
on it's way. Well and it comes as it has to. The prices are on the raise. Be it metals, food, oil etc. Another push towards new bubbles will be the fact that bonds will not raise any more, and if they can not raise they will start to fall. If you...
Again a Failout Plan
Well they name it euphemistic "safety chute" and they simple ignore laws they themselves have decided. Last year it was Greece, this year it's going to be Ireland. Well the Irish have lived beyond any means and have obviously had a way too...
Safe Investements?
It seems putting money on diverse coporations can hardly be seen as "safe" investment. GM will initiate another IPO, just with the advantage that given promises (pensions plans) are now guranteeed by the "governement". And here in...