F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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Count the many measures
of dear Mr President. Slapped because of his anti-weapon war. Solved with selling more weapons http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-20/obama-sell-10-billion-weapons-israel-saudi-arabia-and-uae Costs to bring down one terrorist: 1 Billion. So tell me...
Tell me why
I hate politicians and bureaucrats tell me why. At first they are living on my expenses without given much in return They take my money and run with it They are intruding my while life, my whole family. They pervert all the good things and turn it into...
Your data
belong to you. Feel free to give them away to whomever you like but don't be surprised if it backfires. With every new day and new news about Facebook I'm happy I'm not "in". If you just google for my name you can get a lot of information...
Just give it a name
the disaster can be subsumed under one small sentence. The problems are there because of the monopolies of states. In this case the monopoly of currencies. The FED , ECB etc, do just get their position because the state sanctioned it. It's very easy...
It's high time to say goodbye
dear reader. I guess it's not a suprise to you that I want money as value and not money as debt. The outooks are getting more devastating every day. And the "solutions" suggested are the same wrong things we're doing since we abolished...
That was overdue
Finally and it serves the US right, Especially Mr Yes-we-can president Obama. The USA have lost their highest credit-ranking. It would have been better they would have been downgraded some 3 years ago. But better late than never. 14 Trillion (extended...
Let's get over it.
For year now the establishement tries to save themselves while taking every tax paying cititzen as hostage. I started my other blog some 3 or so years ago and added the Mises Blog last year. I just cite myself from my outer Mises Blog http://fdominicus...