F Dominicus Blog

A politically incorrect blog about matters of money, government, bureaucracy, freedom and sometimes something else.

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Give me a break
from you stupdity and recklessness and especially expertise. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/financial-crisis-inquiry-commission-slams-greenspan-bernanke-geithner-paulson-summers-sec-ra Just see what the commision writes. The crises was forseeable. Well...
Do you remember?
Paulson ... do some bells begin to ring if you hear that name? Glad you're with me. Yes it the Paulson which demanded 700 billion Dollar. Now sit down, we European can be nearly as good. The illegal safety chute (illegal in the sense, how I understand...
If it comes to debt
nobody can beat the USA. The unbelievable sum is somewhere around 14 000 000 000 000 (14 trillions) the new debt every day is a around 4 000 000 000. That are new debt of around 1 200 000 000 000. And yet it's not "enough", As we learned...
What we really need
is in first line stable money. Fiat-Geld has proven that it can not cope with it. Well that's not suprise for anyone a little bit interested in "History". If I have the choice between two beliefs than I'd prefer always "the market"...
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