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Who has won in Greece?
Well according to the press the ND has got 30 % of the votes. Well that's not even in deledefs meaning enough to be seen as clear winner. And it surelly isn't even in the crudest deledefs dreams the majority. So do the Greeks have voted for the...
Now it's official
The non-plan about a "voluntary" debt cut, is gone. Wel if you have followed this blog you know this hardly can be told to be a suprise. At first If I'm having the bond I have the right to get my money back. It's up to me and the debtor...
Forget my last entry
It seems the vote is not held. This is interesting in two ways. At first it would be a democratic thing, that it is not held show that the deledefs do not want too loose anything they may get. Now anyway there will be some vote for a new Parliament, but...
Why now and not a year or so ago?
Well I’m just puzzling why Greece does this vote about the EU help now and now a year or so ago. The reasons for doing it were the same a year ago. And in fact it could have made a difference. So I’m under the impression that the problems were underestimated...
How deep is the trouble (Greece)?
Well it's difficult these times to get some non mainstream reports on Greece. It's impossible to find much critique in any german newspaper or magazine. But there are few side remarks borrowed at the end of some articles sometimes, and one can...
Black mailing
Greece finance minister warns, if the EU let Greece down. Guess what Greece alone has 330 billion of debt. and if they fail the end will come. Well hell one might think "Finally" All EU countries have debts beyond imagination and beyond anything...
Do you like Thriller?
With an open end? Or are a fan of horror movies? Now I've found something for you: http://wallstreetpit.com/13428-total-us-savings-rate-lowest-in-recorded-history Do you feel the cold of death? Or do you fell hells heat? Well whatever it is pray that...
Another 12 billions on their way
<p> The highest court in Germany will start "thinking" about the lawsuits tomorrows. This were initiated a year ago before the first money was transferred. Just imagine you know a defrauder, he is caught and one year "nothing"...
At leat some good news
English banks reduce their exposer to EU risks: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/8584442/UK-banks-abandon-eurozone-over-Greek-default-fears.html 1:100 that Merkel and Sarkozy will name them speculates. Or traitors or such Greeks history...
Don't make contracts with the EU
they will not served. the EU will pay for the debts of Greece: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8508688.stm needless to say: http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/126.html and http://dejure.org/gesetze/AEUV/125.html Now a giant new lie is done. Don't count on...
The "allmighty" politicians
An intersting example of farsight of politicians. As some of you may know Greece, has terrible hard times with their deficits. some suggest that it has to be excluced from the EU currency area, however there are not provisions for such a case. And now...